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Purchasing tips of pretty LED lamps

06/18/2015 13:55

If you want to know purchasing tips of pretty Led Desk Lamps, next we will have a brief description about it.

If you want to replace the lamps, the input voltage, the input frequency voltage, input power and so on, you had better know about it. If that is electronic transformer, then when you buy store instructions with your input voltage, that is high frequency electronic transformers, ordinary lamp cup could not compatible.

Led Desk Lamps

If you decorate the room, you should pay attention to whether it can suffer the weight of the lamp cup, mainly for MR16, if the pin straight down, we have to avoid weight which spotlight will naturally gravity slippage. There are environment influence on the base pin, once removed and then stuck to may not get tight.

Look at the light cup, when it is used as powerful hollow radiator that can be observed penetrating solder, you have to be careful. Worse still, if they are directly observed through the lens with the LED itself tainted or bubbles, then we have to promptly reject.